Does neuropathy of the foot disappear?

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may decrease or disappear over time, but in some cases they never go away. Peripheral nerves have a great healing capacity. Although it may take months, a recovery can occur. However, in some situations, the symptoms of neuropathy may decrease but not go away completely.

For example, nerve damage caused by radiation often does not recover well. Neuropathy caused by chemotherapy is also difficult to cure, and recovery can take from 18 months to 5 years or more. During recovery from platinum-induced neuropathy, patients may suffer from increased symptoms. The effective prognosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy largely depends on the cause of nerve damage.

For example, peripheral neuropathy caused by vitamin deficiency can be treated, even reversed, with vitamin therapy and an improved diet. Similarly, nerve damage caused by alcohol abuse can often be stopped and improved by avoiding alcohol. Peripheral neuropathy caused by toxic substances or medications can often be corrected in the same way. When neuropathy is related to diabetes, careful control of blood sugar levels can slow its progression and slow symptoms.

Neuropathy usually progresses slowly, over years or even decades. However, slowly but surely, as nerves become increasingly damaged, symptoms get worse. Intermittent tingling and burning sensations eventually evolve into constant, significant pain. In some situations, the symptoms of neuropathy may decrease but not go away completely.

Whether or not to reverse neuropathy depends on the cause of nerve damage. In some cases, the pain may disappear completely. In others, nerve damage may be permanent. Treatment of foot neuropathy is aimed at relieving pain and restoring sensitivity to improve the function and quality of life of the patient.

There is no cure for peripheral neuropathy, but proper treatment will slow progression and address symptoms. If the cause of foot neuropathy is known, treatment of the underlying cause may provide relief. Unfortunately, 33% of the time podiatrists do not know what causes neuropathy and should treat only the symptoms. Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems, hereditary causes, and exposure to toxins.

One of the most common causes is diabetes. The good news for people living with neuropathy is that it is sometimes reversible. Simply by addressing contributing causes, such as underlying infections, exposure to toxins, or vitamin and hormone deficiencies, the symptoms of neuropathy often resolve on their own. The success rates of this type of treatment of foot neuropathy, through nerve surgery in the foot and leg, have been reported to be 90% for pain relief and 70% for the return of normal sensation.

Surgeons at Certified Foot and Ankle Specialists are experts in providing treatment for peripheral neuropathy of the foot, either conservatively or with surgery if necessary. If neuropathy affects your ability to feel a car's pedals, you shouldn't drive unless your car is adapted for manual controls.